MCM-YMSC p-adic Geometry Learning Seminar (Fall 2024)

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Organizers: Koji and Shizhang
Time: Monday 14:30--16:00
Location: MCM 110

This is a learning seminar on alterations and semistable reduction.

Please email Koji or Shizhang if you would like to join the mailing list for this seminar.


Tentative Plan

The main goal of this semester is to learn results concerning alterations and semistable reduction. More details can be found here.


Here are some (handwritten) notes: Lecture 2.

Schedule (roughly)

  Date  Speaker  Topic  References 
Lecture 1  September 9th  Koji  Introduction   
Lecture 2  September 23rd  Shizhang  Local computations  [dJ, §3] 
Lecture 3  October 14th  Weimufei Wu  Alterations of varieties  [dJ, Thm 4.1] 
Lecture 4  October 21st  Ruiping Gong  Semistable alterations  [dJ, Thm 6.5] 
Lecture 5  October 28th  Yong Suk  Semistable models for rigid-analytic spaces  [H, Thm. 1.4, Cor. 1.5] 
Lecture 6  November 4th  Qinru Zhong  Toric varieties 1  [KKMSD, Chap.1 §1] 
Lecture 7  November 11th  Shengyu Hou  Toric varieties 2  [KKMSD, Chap.1 §2] 
Lecture 8  November 18th  Ningjun Jiang  Toric varieties 3  [KKMSD, Chap.1 §3] 
Lecture 9  November 25th  Shengkai Mao  Toroidal embeddings  [KKMSD, Chap.2 §1-2] 
Lecture 10  December 2nd  Han Hu  Semistable reduction theorem in characteristic 0  [KKMSD, Chap.2 §3] 

Last updated: Sep. 18th, 2024.

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